5 Reasons to Choose Custom Wedding Invitation Design

Considering custom invitations? Here’s the top 5 reasons to go for it!

1. First Impressions

Your save the date and/or wedding invitation is the first glimpse your guests will get of your big day. It will give them an idea of what to expect and amp up the excitement for your wedding weekend. You’ll definitely be getting texts when your guests find that envelope in their mail box.

2. Guest Experience

Speaking of finding that envelope in their mailbox, what a fun mail day! Your friends and family will be thrilled to receive something that’s pretty with their name on it. Calligraphy addressing goes the extra mile here. People love seeing their name written out! As they open the envelope, they’ll take their time looking through the stack (your invite, details card, etc) and at the artwork on each piece.

3. One of a Kind

Custom invitations are designed for you with art created with your wedding weekend and your story as a couple in mind. Want a venue illustration? You got it! A sailboat to commemorate your favorite weekend activity together? Sure thing! Your dog holding up a banner reminding your guests to RSVP? Let’s do it!

4. Keepsake

Since the invitations are made just for you, they make a beautiful keepsake. Not only are the invitations themselves a keepsake, but the art created for them can be used for other special items. I’ve seen couples take their monograms, crests, pet portraits, etc., and use them for things like thank you notes, embroidered purses, hand painted Bibles, hats, shoes, and more.

5. Branding

The artwork created for your invitations can be used throughout the wedding weekend events for a cohesive look. For example, using the same florals from the details card on the rehearsal dinner menu, putting your monogram on cups or napkins, or even creating a dance floor from the invitation artwork are ways to make the event’s paper feel cohesive.

If you’re ready to inquire after custom invitations, click here. If you want to read about custom invitations vs semi-custom invitations, click here.